So we can tack Native Americans onto the list that includes Hispanic people, Black people, Muslims, refugees and immigrants of all nationalities, women, members of the LGBTQ community, and just about any other minority or marginalized group in which Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has outwardly and boastfully offended.
Earlier today, at a news conference in North Dakota, Trump repeatedly referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren- whose claims of Native American ancestry have been called into question in the past– as “Pocahontas”:
Even if Warren’s ancestry is still up for debate- which it shouldn’t be- that’s not the issue here.
The issue is that the asinine, racist demagogue who appears to have about a 50/50 chance of winning the White House is continuing down the path of his hate-fueled, narcissistic campaign, and top ranked Republicans- including those from Maine’s congressional delegation and state legislature- have yet to denounce him.