Maine lobster boat in rough seas (videos)

I always try to explain to people just how difficult it is working on a lobster boat, especially in rough weather.

Well last week I had the rare opportunity to get some video footage on a steam to some offshore traps when the wind suddenly picked up.

Keep in mind, as rough as these videos look, it’s nothing compared to the winter time when most lobstermen push their boats to the limit, enduring rough seas, freezing temperatures, and thick fog.

Also something to remember: the footage doesn’t include us actually hauling the traps, baiting the needles, or setting the strings back into the water- all of which are exponentially more difficult to do in this type of weather compared to just sitting on the stern and videotaping or manning the wheel.


Note: The feature image for this article was found on

Chris Shorr

About Chris Shorr

Chris is a sixth generation Portlander who loves all things Maine. He has worked with mentally ill and marginalized adults at a Portland non-profit, on a lobster boat in Casco Bay, at several high-end Portland restaurants, and at a local meat packing plant. He also ran for Portland City Council in 2013, wrote a weekly column in the now defunct Portland Daily Sun, and currently writes a weekly column in The Portland Phoenix.